Moyce, S., Comey, D., Anderson, J., Creitz, A., Hines, D., & Metcalf, M. (2023). Using the social ecological model to identify challenges facing Latino immigrants. Public Health Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13214
Moyce, S., Thompson, S., Metcalf, M., Velazquez, M., Aghbashian, E., Sisson, N., & Claudio, D. (2022). Rural Hispanic Perceptions of Mental Health: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 33(3), 346-354.
Moyce, S., Claudio, D., & Velazquez, M. (2022). Using the PDCA cycle to uncover sources of mental health disparities for Hispanics. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.
Moyce, S., Sisson, N.,* Thompson, S.,* Velazquez, M., Claudio, D., Aghbashian, L., Demorest, H., Vanderwood, K. (2021). Engaging Latinos in an academic-community partnership in Montana through a health screening event. American Journal of Health Education.
Moyce,S., Velazquez,M., Claudio, D., Thompson, S.,* Aghbashian, L., Vanderwood, K., Sisson, N.* (2020). Exploring a rural Latino community’s perception of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethnicity and Health.
Moyce, S., Mitchell, D., Vega, A., Schenker, M. (2020). Hydration choices, sugary beverages, and kidney injury in agricultural workers in California. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. PMID: 32391966 DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12561
Moyce, S., Armitage, T., Mitchell, D., Schenker, M. (2020). Acute kidney injury and workload in a sample of California agricultural workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 63, 258-68. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23076. PMID: 31773783
Medel-Herrero, A., Mitchell, D., , Udaltsova, I., Schenker, M. (2019). The Expanding burden of acute kidney injury in California: Impact of the epidemic of diabetes on kidney injury hospital admissions. (6), 629-640.
Moyce, S., Hernandez, K.,* Schenker, M. (2019). Diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes in California agricultural workers. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 30(4), 1289-1301. PMID: 31680099